Tuesday 27 November 2007

Audience profiling:
Checkpoint one: what is demographic profiling? grouping an audience into: age, gender, geographical area, class, economic status and religion.

Checkpoint two: what is psychographic profiling? categorising audiences in terms of needs and motivation rather than simply demographic factors, this way consumer cans be targeted directly through their needs and desires, which is more effective for advertisers.

Checkpoint three:why do you think advertisers create these niche nicknames? it is an easy way to define target audiences.

uses and gratifications
checkpoint one: what four motivations for choosing a text did Blumer and Katz suggest? Diversions, personal relationship, personal identity and surveilance.

Checkpoint two: what is cultural code? importance of certain soci-economic differences in shaping the ways in which people interpret texts. the texts appeal to different people in different ways.

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