Tuesday 6 November 2007

Media guardian article 5

Radio 4's Today: the BBC move has affected shows such as the flagship news programme. Photograph: Graeme Robertson
BBC radio executives have abandoned the controversial rebranding of the corporation's news bulletins, which drew scores of complaints from listeners.
In a move that was also criticised as pointless tinkering by many staff, news presenters on the BBC's main radio networks were told last month that in future they had to highlight the fact that the bulletins were produced by BBC news.
Presenters on Radio 4's Today programme were instructed to begin their bulletins with the words "BBC news" and end them with the phrase "BBC news for Radio 4", instead of the old sign-off "BBC Radio 4 news".
The head of BBC radio news, Stephen Mitchell, said the "subtle change" was introduced as the BBC needed to "simplify" the identity of BBC news.
However, scores of listeners complained on the BBC's online message boards.
"Thanks for the clarification, I used to think Sky produced news bulletins on the BBC," one said.
Another added: "The fact that anyone at the Beeb spent time contemplating this change makes me very angry. What a waste of my licence fee."
A third commented: "Sounds ridiculous. Forget about branding, chaps, most of us who tune in do so because it is Radio 4 and we know we'll get the news read properly, not someone presenting it."
Following the outcry from listeners, Tim Bailey, the editor of Radio 4's 6pm bulletin, yesterday sent staff a new memo saying there had been a "change of plan".
With "immediate effect", he said presenters would now begin bulletins with the words "BBC News at x O'Clock" and end them with "BBC News".
"So for example at 1800 - BBC News at six o'clock. This is Corrie Corfield. Good evening," he said.
However, the further fiddling has angered staff at a time when they are preparing for hundreds of redundancies within the news division.
"I can't believe BBC news pays someone to sit around and think about stuff like this," one source at the corporation commented.
A BBC spokesman said:" We felt the words needed a slight change to get the result that sounds best on air."
I think they should have stuck to the original script because this has obviously angered their listeners. they do not need to reinforce or mention that the news comes from the BBC, it is not as if no one knows who they are, they are already established well enough.

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